Saturday, 18 July 2009

Heart and Soil

As the Coriandr Express draws ever nearer the end of its journey, our current VIP is the wonderful Hen of Heart and Soil Baskets. She crafts baskets and small hurdles from Somerset willow and materials foraged from the hedgerows of the Cotswolds - how idyllic does that sound? Every basket is made uniquely and to order, the sizes are approximate and can be adjusted to suit. My favourite is this Fruit & Veg Basket, a beautiful example of Hen's wonderful skill.

I just love the fact that such an ancient craft is being kept alive today by a genuinely skilled artisan, whose whole lifestyle reflects her passion for sustainable management of our countryside and a pure love and awe of nature. Have a closer look at Hen's work on Coriandr.

You can also find Hen on twitter and on her blog,

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